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A young Air Aspect Dragon-Blooded Dynast attending the House of Bells, played by Elizabeth Neale.

Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that knowledge hidden from view is the most valuable, Gale dreams of building and commanding the most powerful army in the Realm.


Gale's tactical military mind earned her a place in the prestigious House of Bells, though her narrow focus and unconventional areas of study raised more than a few eyebrows.


Gale Whispered is a Year 5 student at the House of Bells. She has never belonged to any fang other than the Lost Hand, as clearly stated by Quartermaster Juwinn.



She has an aunt named Bavelle who gifted her with the artifact chakram Soaring Eye after some concern over Gale's lacking performance in physical conditioning.

Gale Whispered's parents both graduated from the House of Bells. Before Bells, her father was dismissed from the Heptagram and is quick to deflect any attempts to understand why. Much like House Ledaal as a whole, Gale's parents are of differing opinions regarding impending threats to the Realm: her father turns his attention to Thorns and its Deathlord threat, her mother to the Anathema (she joined the Hunt). They do not see the value in the other’s work. Conversations around the dinner table are discouraged.


Pyres - Lost Hand fangmate

Oresta - Lost Hand fangmate

Sientelle - Lost Hand fangmate

Fleuvienne - Lost Hand fangmate


Gale is a favored protégé of Bracken, the keeper of the school library.

Character Sheet

Follow this link to Gale's character sheet on Lot-Casting Atemi.
